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Mayor Hu Qisheng came to our company to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work

2020-03-04 1147

On February 2, 2020, Mayor Hu Qisheng led a team to our company to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work. Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Development Zone, Du Shuqi, was accompanied by leaders of relevant government departments of the zone.


Under the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, leaders of the municipal and district party committees are very concerned about our company, understand the implementation of the company's epidemic prevention and control measures in detail, and give full affirmation to the company's attention to the resumption of work after the festival and the corresponding measures taken.

Hu Qisheng pointed out that enterprises should pay attention to the most important work of epidemic prevention and control, make a detailed plan for prevention and control, scientifically organize and strictly control, implement prevention and control measures, and minimize the impact of epidemic on production.

Hu Qisheng stressed that enterprises should conscientiously implement the spirit of the important instructions of general secretary Xi Jinping on resolutely fighting the epidemic prevention and control. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and the provincial and provincial governments, we must strengthen confidence and make full arrangements for employees to resume work, especially in labor-intensive areas. We must be highly responsible for the health of workers and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic. 。

Our company said that we will resolutely implement the most stringent prevention and control measures, take the initiative to learn from the good methods and experience of epidemic prevention and control in various regions, do a detailed job in personal protection, factory entry verification, temperature detection, epidemic publicity, etc., to ensure that the resumption of production is orderly and orderly.